One fateful Porktober morning, a Sorceress came to the Kingdom. A Naughty Sorceress. A Naughty Sorceress who was clearly up to no good, and even more clearly up to plenty of bad. King Ralph sought to expel the Naughty Sorceress from his Kingdom, but she imprismed him in a black crystalline shard of curdled magic. It was very dramatic.
Monsters emerged from their hidey-holes to terrorize the citizens of Loathing, and larger monsters emerged from larger hidey-holes to terrorize those monsters, all under the control of the Naughty Sorceress.
In the King's absence, the Council of Loathing convened to attempt to impose order on the Kingdom. Their success was limited, however, to imposing their will on adventurers who came to the Kingdom seeking fame, fortune, or quality products at reasonable prices. And as you've probably guessed by now, one of those adventurers is you!
You herd me..!! I'm a f-in BANDIT..!!!
Disco Bandit.. haha..
"The Disco Bandit boogies to and fro, hither and yon. Whence comes she? No man knows. Whither strikes she next? All men live in fear of her and her Moxie."
I want meat.. and I love to kill The Naughty Sorceress..
Most Disco Bandit skills are learned from The Department of Shadowy Arts and Crafts. The skills from levels 1-4 cost 200, 800, 1800, and 3200 Meat respectively to learn, while all higher level skills cost 1,000 per level. All Disco Bandits begin with the free skill Disco Aerobics. Completing the Spookyraven Manor Quest grants you the Tango of Terror skill.
Disco Bandits (as well as Accordion Thieves) additionally begin the game with the free skill Moxious Maneuver, a combat skill which uses Moxie to determine hit chance and damage and costs an amount of MP equal to their current level. Both classes also have the option to steal an item from a monster when they get the jump on it.
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