posted date&time: 8/11/08 6:21 PMLast August 8 and 9... We attended the HACKACON IT SECURITY SEMINAR...
It was fun, good experience. Our company,, where my classmate Sarina lee and I are having our 800 O.J.T hours. was HACKACON's only sponsor.
It was held at the East tower penthouse Philippine Stock Exchange, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. We arrived there at 7:30 A.M.; we set up our banners, laptops, brochure, etc.
The participants were not that many as we expected, it was like 45-60 participants and we noticed that the word “delegates” did not matched the ambiance of the event. Hehe... I mean seriously speaking.. you know. =)LOL..
***naputol na pagblog ko.. haha.. tinamad na***
updated... (090408)I know this post is very very late na… ehehe..
But still I want to post this… so shut up! Hehe.. kidding… lol..
August 8, 2008
HACKACONIT SECURITY SEMINARCertified Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures
REHISTORY-1960’s: The Dawn of HackingOriginal meaning of the word “hack” started at MIT; meant elegant, witty or inspired way of doing almost anything; hacks were programming shortcuts.
ELDER DAYS (1970-1979)
-1970’s: Phone Phreaks and Cap’n Crunch: One phreak, John Draper (aka “Cap’n Crunch), discovers a toy whistle inside Cap’n Chruch cereal gives 2600-hertz signal, and can access AT&T’s long distance switching system.
-Draper builds a “blue box” used with whistle allows phreaks to make free calls.
-Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, future founders of apple Computer, make and sell blue boxes.
THE GOLDEN AGE (1980-1991)
-1980: Hacker Message Boards and Groups
Hacking groups from; such as Legion of Doom (US), Chaos Computer Club (Germany).
-1983: Kids’ Games Movie “war games” introduces public to hacking.
-Legion of Doom vs Masters of Deception; online warfare; jamming phone lines.
-1984: Hacker ‘Zines Hacker magazine 2600 publication; online ‘zine Phrack.
CRACKDOWN (1986-1994)
-1986: Congress passes Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; crime to break into computer systems.
-1988: The Morris Worm
Robert T. Morris Jr., launches self-replicating worm on ARPAnet.
-1989: The Germans, the KGB and Kevin Mitnick.
-German Hackers arrested for breaking into U.S computers; sold information to Soviet KGB.
-Hacker “The Mentor” arrested; publishes Hacker’s Manifesto.
-Kevin Mitnick convicted; first person convicted under law against gaining access to interstate network for criminal purposes.
-1993: Why Buy a Car When You Can Hack One?
Radio station call-in contest; hacker-fugitive Kevin Poulsen and friends crack phone; they allegedly get two Porsches, $20,000 cash, vacation trips; Poulsen now a freelance journalist covering computer crime.
-First Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas
ZERO TOLERANCE (1994-1998)
-1995: The Mitnick Takedown: Arrested again; charged with stealing 20,000 credit card numbers.
-1995: Russian Hackers
Siphon $10 million from Citibank; Vladimir Levin, leader.
-Oct 1998 teenager hacks into Bell Atlantic phone system; disabled communication at airport disables runway lights.
-1999 hackers attack Pentagon, MIT, FBI web sites.
-1999: E-commerce company attacked; blackmail threats followed by 8 million credit card numbers stolen.
-The explosive growth of the Internet has brought many good things… As with most technological advances, there is also a dark side: criminal hackers
-The term “hacker” has a dual usage in the computer industry today. Originally, the term was defined as:
HACKER noun. 1. A person who enjoys learning the details of computer systems and how to stretch their capabilities… 2. One who Programs enthusiastically or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
What is a Hacker?
-Old School Hackers: 1960’s style Stanford or MIT hackers. Do not have malicious intent, but do have lack of concern for privacy and proprietary information. They believe the Internet was designed to be an open system.
-Script Kiddies or Cyber-Punks: Between 12-30l predominantly white and male; bored in school; get caught due to bragging online; intent is to vandalize or disrupt systems.
-Professional Criminals or Crackers: Make a living by breaking into systems and selling the information.
-Coders and Virus Writers: See themselves as an elite; programming background and write code but won’t use it themselves; have their own networks called “zoos”; leave it to others to release their code into “The Wild” or Internet.
What is Ethical Hacking?
-Ethical Hacking – defined “methodology adopted by ethical hackers to discover the vulnerabilities existing in information systems’ operating environments.”
-With the growth of the internet, computer security has become a major concern for businesses and governments.
-In their search for a way to approach the problem, organizations came to realize that one of the best ways to evaluate the intruder threat to their interests would be to have independent computer security professionals attempt to break into their computer systems.
Who are Ethical Hackers?
-“One of the best ways to evaluate the intruder threat is to have an independent computer security professionals attempt to break their computer systems”
-Successful ethical hackers possess a variety of skills. First and foremost, they must be completely trustworthy.
-Ethical hackers typically have very strong programming and computer networking skills.
-They are also adept at installing and maintaining systems that use the more popular operating systems used on target systems.
-These base skills are augmented with detailed knowledge of the hardware and software provided by the more popular computer and networking hardware vendors.
What do Ethical Hackers do?
-An ethical hacker’s evaluation of a system’s security seeks answers to these basic question:
-What can an intruder see on the target systems?
-What can an intruder do with that information?
-Does anyone at the target notic the intruder’s attempts or successes?
-What are you trying to protect?
-What are you trying to protect against?
-How much time, effort and money are you willing to expend to obtain adequate protection?
Required Skills of an Ethical Hacker
-Network Protocols
-Project Management
Hacker Classes
-Black Hats – Highly skilled, malicious, destructive “crakers”.
-White Hats – skills used for defensive security analysts.
-Gray Hats – offensively and defensively; will hack for different reasons, depends on situation.
Hacktivism – hacking for social and political cause.
Ethical hackers – determine what attackers can gain access to, what they will do with the information and can they be detected.
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